Embrace Empowering Generational Love Today



Eliminate Resentment by Fulfulling Your Essential Needs

You are more than enough.

Life happens, and its my job to meet you where you are and help you get to where you want to be, so you can become an even better version of yourself...For YOU!

Strive for Your Greatness.

To strive for greatness, you need a PLAN! You need a clear vision of what you're aiming for to make it a reality.

You’re a woman who’s doing big things and going places, but sometimes you have those moments of self-doubt. You know you’ve got to get past it to accomplish the things you want to do.

Let’s be real. That’s a damn hard thing to do. But I’m here to help you get your ducks in a row.

Are you ready to feel authentic love?

If you’re exhausted from pretending to be superwoman and you’re ready to finally get it all together, I’m here for you.

Once you have that plan, I'm here to hold you accountable (with your consent) and help you conquer any obstacle that come your way.

We all have to start somewhere. I would love to whip you into shape, respectfully, of course.

Download Your Free Guide:

A Simple Guide to Discovering Your Needs.

Ready to see some magic happen?

To the questions I’m asked the most, my response is more than likely going to be WRITE IT DOWN! Do a brain dump!

Pen and paper, white board and markers don’t care, one or the other. Typing it on your phone or on a keyboard is not going to work for this. Write all the really great ideas, or the outrageous list of shit to do, on PAPER.

The stroke of the pen on the paper, the hand moving flawlessly. Add in the fact that your magnificent brain both the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere work together to help you comprehend, brainstorm, then magical creations unfold!

When you write you get all the thoughts on paper, it’s makes it easier to see and then makes it intentional. You then ignite the spark of possibility. Your brain dump then becomes your manifestation map and a visual reminder of the incredible journey.

It's about purposely prioritizing putting you first, past the shame and other peoples' opinions (OPP).

Once you have your brain dump, pick 3 things.

Love Letters from Clients

Eden is some of the best company to keep. Having her in my corner has allowed me to tap into a part of myself I didn’t know I could access. I am a more elevated version of myself. I feel more confident in what I can bring to the table, I have an ability to name and go after what I want knowing I have been given practical tools and applications to grow myself. Eden is badass and her coaching is essential to have in your arsenal.

Lauren W


Eden is such an incredible human being, I feel sorry for anyone that has not been blessed to have crossed paths with this amazing woman. She is strong, smart, confident and bold. Just being around her you can’t help but soak in positivity and empowerment. Not to mention she’s funny as hell.Working with her is a true blessing. She has taught me to live unapologetically as myself and to not hide my voice. I am allowed to have an opinion, I am allowed to take up space on this earth. She reminds me of this often. Eden is nothing but simply herself, but it’s rare to see someone live so authentically. It is beautiful and inspiring. I am so thankful to have Eden as one of my life supporters, knowing the continued growth and enlightenment that will continue to evolve.

Kristi C.


I have had the pleasure of being a close friend of Eden’s for a little over 10 years now… 10 years later this woman has only grown more and more into the beautiful person that she is. (I’m so damn proud of you girl!!) And if I’m being 100% honest, I don’t think words could truly express how fantastic this woman is, and I don’t even know how to give a short summary, but I will sure try!!!

Eden Jackson…. she is that sweet little birdie chirping love & positivity in your ear every moment she is able to. She is that big booty cheerleader everyone loves reminding you that YOU CAN ____ ACHIEVE IT, HAVE IT, BE IT, DO IT… fill in the blank! And if this woman believes in me enough…then maybe I should too.

She has changed my life in so many ways, and they seem so simple, yes, but as a wife & a mama of 4 kids (all boys at that) it is so easy to forget the importance of truly taking care of yourself. Eden never forgets to remind me that I am the most important person in my life. While I am still a work I progress (aren’t we all?!), Eden has truly helped me understand the true meaning of loving and prioritizing myself.

She has an effortless love and passion in helping empower other women, and she doesn’t even have to do much of anything but be herself for everyone to see it. When I think of someone who is truly their Authentic self… I think of Eden Jackson. And if you don’t know her yet, I am sorry for you, you’re absolutely missing out!!!!!!!!

Emily B


This evening I received a one on one session and when I say it was the highlight of my evening, I mean exactly that! The tips I received on how to deal with day to day issues was phenomenal. The session wasn’t one that was uptight, she allowed me to be myself and she did the same. The one thing I tend to carry with me and use on a daily basis from my session is to remember that not everyone vibrates as the same frequency as you and creating those boundaries are good for self, no matter how “guilty” it may make me feel! I look forward to my next session! If you are looking for someone to be understanding without judgement and a personable feeling, I highly recommend booking a session!

Shametra J


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